Welcome to Duck Farm Online: Beta 3

What you are getting into:
Duck Farm Online is an online realtime multiplayer duck farming game. You will be given a farm, with which you will raise ducks, feed them, and care for them. There are two levels of play for different users. First, you can just raise ducks, name them, talk with other users and just play the game in general. Or you can get into the more complicated business aspect of Duck Farm where not only will you keep your happiness up, but try to out-do the other players for value, money, and net worth. You choose your playing style; there is no right or wrong way to play Duck Farm.

Attention Beta 2 players
Duck Farm Online has reached it's third beta status. Many new improvements have been introduced. The primary one being it has been rewritten in php, and now resides on an external server. It should be available all the time now, not just when my computer is home. Because I have rewritten the game from the ground up not all features of Beta 2 have returned. This does NOT mean that they are gone from Duck Farm forever, but in the interest of saving time they have been omitted for the time being. I will add all features of Beta 2 back into Beta 3, as well as new Beta 3 features, as time goes on.

Participating in this beta requires you to be aware of and promise to perform a few activities.

    Terms and Conditions
  1. Duck Farm Online will take time. We ask that you sign in at least once a day and check on your ducks. We recommend that you sign in more often so you have time to react to any new game situations.
  2. We ask that you watch for ANY glitches, white screens, or other errors that you find. Please report any bugs to Peter or Brian.
  3. Please play the game, test out new features, actively discuss game topics on the web-board.
  4. Do not use any inappropriate or obscene media. Do not be disrespectful in any way.
  5. You are limited to one account per person, 0 accounts for any pets, alternate personalities, or favorite objects.
  6. Use of non-Zaphoyd-approved clients or bots is prohibited. Attempting to gain an unfair advantage over other players may result in account termination.
  7. Zaphoyd Software reserves the right to terminate the service and/or update these terms and conditions at any time without notice.
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