
  • Realtime Gameplay
  • Challenging Human opponents or allies. Buy, sell, or trade resources with other players over the local market.
  • Dynamic economic conditions with fluctuating prices based on player actions.
  • Inheritable genetic traits; breed the perfect duck!
  • Random duck name and other inline random content generator.
  • Intertwined industry system for multiple avenues of profit.

Zaphoyd Studios partnered with Tadepec Studios, to produce an amazing realtime, web-based, strategy game all about ducks!.

Zaphoyd Software writes and maintains the coding, testing, and publicity for the Duck Farm Online project. Tadepec Studios handles the in-game graphics systems.


Duck Farm Online Beta 3 revamps Duck Farm with an all new simulation engine and hosting solution. This system will allow Duck Farm online to be avaliable to players 24 hours a day and will eliminiate slow loading pages and lagging game ticks. Details of the new setup include:

  • Built on the LAMP platform. Linux Operating System. Apache web server. MySQL: database server. PHP scripting language
  • Integrated Nonsense: For clever randomized content.
  • Dynamic Adobe Flash based graphics system. As your farm and the weather grows and changes it's appearance will too.
  • Hosted by Surpass Hosting


Beta Information

Are you interested in participating in the Duck Farm Online Developmental Beta 3.5? If so please visit the Signup Page

If you can not remember your username or password please email duckfarm@zaphoyd.com for instructions on resetting your password.